Hey guys! Here is a quick video that I shot the other day while working with a patient of mine. I just wanted to share a technique for ankle mobility that utilizes the Edge Mobility Band (or a theraband).
Case: 21 year old male, collegiate basketball player, 4-weeks post ankle sprain. Imaging revealed avulsion fractures of the medial deltoid and lateral calcaneal-fibular ligaments. Patient was ordered by the team physician to be immobilized in a boot and on crutches for the first three weeks following injury. Initially coming out of the boot, dorsiflexion and plantar flexion were almost a zero for both active and passive ROM.
In the video, this obviously didn't return ankle ROM to normal ranges but definitely increases it with just one set. I often repeat this 2-4 times depending on the patient's tolerance to the compression. I often have the patient walk a longer distance if tolerated as well. It also substantially lowers the patient's perceived discomfort associated with ankle "stiffness" and "soreness". I use this in conjunction with several different mobility techniques but is nice because certain techniques like a traditional posterior glide are much too uncomfortable for me to use with this patient at this stage. This is a pain free alternative for him!
Hey everybody, today I wanted to take the
time and ask a fellow athletic trainer a few questions regarding challenging
beliefs and conventional wisdom. This post ties in perfectly with my last post when I interviewed Professor Timothy Noakes on challenging beliefs as well. I want to introduce you all to Joshua J.
Stone, MA, ATC, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, FNS. He is a fellow blogger at Athletic Medicine, and has been receiving a lot of attention
lately for taking a stance on the use of ice (cryotherapy) and NSAIDS in treating both
chronic and acute injuries. (Also see… Ice: The Overused Modality?)
Josh’s arguments are polarizing and have
definitely stirred some controversy on a topic that can invoke strong feelings
by many. However, the arguments that Josh puts forth are based on evidence,
logic, and an intellectual curiosity to question everything.
Welcome Readers! Today I have the privilege and honor of sharing a back and forth that I had with Dr. Timothy Noakes of Capetown, South Africa. If you are big into exercise physiology, running/endurance sports or high fat/low carb diets then you probably know of or have heard of Professor Noakes! Dr. Noakes is a brilliant man and when he speaks, I listen. He is a passionate man and has strong feelings but he is also passionate about science and is no stranger to challenging beliefs or conventional wisdom. He is infinitely curious and questions everything. Two hallmarks of a great mind. I hope you all enjoy the interview and are able to take one or two things from it! Me: Welcome Professor Noakes! I know you have been a man of many hats but could you give us a little background about yourself for the readers? Professor Noakes: I trained as a medical doctor at the University of Cape Town and during my training I realized that health, sports medicine and exercise physiology really interested me rather more than did the standard medical curriculum. So during my training I was more interested in how medicine related to sport rather than the information I was meant to be learning. I perceived that medicine was spending a lot of money on the management of chronic disease without appearing to be particularly successful. In addition, I realized that athletes were not getting much care from medicine and it seemed to me that the future of medicine lay more in prevention by promoting healthy lifestyles and exercise and, as a consequence, I realized that sports medicine would become increasingly more important.
It has now been exactly a month since I took the Selective Functional Movement Assessment certification course in St. Louis, MO. You can read my initial course review here. I have been trying to incorporate the SFMA into my clinical practice as much and as often as possible since then. I wanted to take the time to highlight some thoughts and self-reflections from this process so far.
Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I have used all of these products listed and recommend them because they are helpful and are products from companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products.
All content on this blog is meant as instructional and educational. The author and guest authors of this blog are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Always consult a physician or another proper medical professional for medical advice.