Earlier this week Mark Sisson discussed or should I say ranted about the haters of people choosing to go or live a gluten free life. His thoughts on this topic parallel very well with my own. Although, haters gonna hate.
Dr. Gangemi aka the "Soc Doc" did a Q&A over at the Natural Running Center. Questions ranged in topics from NSAIDs to orthotics to minimalist shoes. Check it out here.Rehabilitate:
I have been seeing a lot of patients and athletes lately with chronic issues and chronic pain. These are often accompanied by mindsets that Dr. Erson Religioso, DPT calls "Thought Viruses". I have had some success in addressing this with some people and other times I've failed to explain it properly and end up offending the patient. Here is Dr. E's latest post on his to five most commonly encountered thought viruses and the way he goes about addressing them.
Have a happy Friday!