Showing posts with label Mobility Band. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobility Band. Show all posts

Sep 30, 2013

HEP for the HIP: Self Hip IR mobilization!

This is a quick video that I shot in the Athletic Training clinic the other day when working with a basketball player. This is a self-hip internal rotation mobilization that I have my patients perform on their own.

This helps to maintain the benefits gained from treatment and manual therapy when working with me in the clinic.  Ideally, this would be done about once an hour for a single set of 10-20 reps but it can be hard to have a student-athlete comply with this and fit it into their busy schedules.  I also have some of them do this before practice and lifting weights for temporary mobility gains.

This is done by the athlete applying an active-assisted hip internal movement while simultaneously providing slight distraction/traction. Check it out!

I have this athlete using an Edge Mobility Band in this video but they could also do this without the band. However, I feel that using the band is more efficacious due to the better hand-hold and compression provided by it.

In other news, I found an old but good video about pain by Lorimer Moseley on "Why Things Hurt". It is actually a pretty funny video and I am sad that I have only just now found this video. For some of you this will be old but for some of you it may be new. This guy's book is on my current to-read list.

Enjoy and Happy Monday!

Aug 23, 2013

Can Edge Mobility Bands Really Improve Mobility? Let Us Investigate.

Sorry for the delay in posts everybody! I have been busy with a combination of work, working on my thesis, and pre-season football practices. Enough complaining...lets get to the post!

I recently got myself a few new toys to use in the clinic when I bought myself a pair of Edge Mobility Bands from The Edge Mobility System. I am in the process of experimenting more with these bands so I can write an extensive and fair review of them to publish here. Nevertheless, I have already started to find them handy and beneficial when treating my athletes.


I have been using them with great success to increase mobility and decrease pain of a few football players that have been complaining of persistent and chronic knee pain. In particular, I have been using them to increase hip internal rotation mobility and I made a video to showcase this technique with the help of some of the athletic training students that are assigned to me. The student I use in this video also used to be a football player (kicker) in college and is normally restricted with Right (kicking leg) Hip IR especially compared to his Left leg.

I learned this technique from a video made by the owner of the Edge Mobility System products and the author of, Dr. Erson Religioso, DPT. You can find his original video and post of this mobilization here

...Enough jabbering on my part, here is the video. I hope you enjoy it and I can't wait to show you all more!


Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I have used all of these products listed and recommend them because they are helpful and are products from companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products.


All content on this blog is meant as instructional and educational. The author and guest authors of this blog are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Always consult a physician or another proper medical professional for medical advice. Registered & Protected