Showing posts with label foot-toe orthosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foot-toe orthosis. Show all posts

Jun 23, 2014

The Effects of a Foot-Toe Orthosis on Dynamic Balance Pt. 2

Greetings Everybody! I wanted to take a moment today to follow up with my original post regarding my recent research study with some of our final findings. While we have finished the study and I have completed my thesis...this information is far from completing its journey through the peer-reviewed process.

Nevertheless, here is a quick rundown/recap: We had 63 healthy and physically active college age students between the ages of 18 and 29 years that volunteered for this study. All participants were randomly allocated into one of three groups by an online random group allocation generator. We hoped to have more subjects in this study but I ran out of time to recruit more and I needed to cut my losses if I wanted to finish the study and graduate on time. One group received the foot-toe orthosis (Correct Toes - FTO ) and the control shoe (Lems Primal 2 - SO), one group received the control shoe only, and one group was a true control (CON) that received neither intervention. The following table displays our group demographics...ideally I wish we could have made the groups perfectly even and had more subjects overall.
Screenshot 2014-06-23 at 3.43.22 PM.png
Just to review, we used the Lower Quarter Y-Balance Test (YBT-LQ) as our measure of dynamic balance. I’m not going to go over all of the procedures and what not again because you can find all of that information in the above link from the original post. So why don’t we just get down to the fun part...The Findings.
Screenshot 2014-06-23 at 3.49.21 PM.pngThere is a lot of numbers in that table...and it isn’t very pretty. Nevertheless, it does tell us some important information. After adjusting for baseline scores (ANCOVA) there were significant differences between the post-intervention scores on the YBT-LQ. This means that there was a statistically significant difference (p=.001) between the groups at follow-up testing. Also, these YBT-LQ scores are the composite scores. That means they are the maximum reach directions for each reach direction(anterior, posteromedial, and posterolateral), and then normalized for apparent leg length.

Pairwise comparisons revealed that the FTO group was significantly different (p=.001) from the CON group. There was also a significant difference (p=.034) between the SO and CON groups. Additionally, the FTO group was significantly different (p=.007) than the SO group. The FTO group had a strong effect size of .70 while the SO group had a moderate effect size of .45. Phew, that paragraph sounded a lot like a journal article...So lets use a pretty graph to highlight this information even further and it is much easier on the eyes.

So what does this all mean? The purpose of our study was to see if the foot-toe orthosis had any effect on dynamic stability. Our results were the first to show that this type of orthosis could be used to increase dynamic balance with 4 weeks of use in a healthy, young-adult population. These results were similar to other interventions to increase dynamic balance/postural stability using mediums such as textured surfaces, insoles and traditional orthoses. However, due to the difference in metrics and intervention comparison isn't really feasible.

There are several theories abound for why such interventions may be efficacious such as increase afferent input to the feet/toes and the potential for passively increasing the base of support. However, it was beyond the scope and aim of this study to determine why they work and unfortunately we didn’t enough measures to control well enough to check on some of these theories.

We do know that when wearing the foot-toe orthosis the base of support is certainly increased, yet pre and post data collection was done without the use of the foot-toe orthosis. This means the increased dynamic balance was not reliant upon the foot-toe orthosis. Additionally, the control shoe only group saw an increase in dynamic balance as well.

This could be attributed that the control shoe was technically advertised as a“minimalist” shoe by manufacturer and despite a lack of universal definition for a minimalist shoe...I would have to agree that this shoe was minimally cushioned, zero drop (ramp from heel to forefoot), offered no support to the foot beyond grip, and had a wider toe box than most traditional footwear. This design could potentially work to increase dynamic balance through increasing the base of support and allowing better afferent input.

In conclusion, our results suggest that the use of the foot-toe orthosis and the control shoe may increase dynamic balance in a healthy and college-aged population. The moderate to strong effect sizes associated with our results are promising; However, it is imperative that future research be conducted to investigate the effects in differing populations such as the elderly, the injured, and people with neuropathic conditions such as diabetes. It must also be investigated on whether these findings have any impact on injury risk and to determine what the long-term effects of use. This information could help researchers or clinicians investigate potential treatment or prophylactic approaches.

Jun 1, 2014

5 Tips For Improving Great Toe Mobility and Stability

The foot on the right is far from ideal, but its great toe position is better

In my previous post I discussed the importance of the "big", "1st", "great" toe, or hallux. I finished that post with a promise to share some ideas and methods for enhancing the health of your foot/toes and here I am to make due on that.

In reality, some people may already be too far gone to see much benefit from conservative methods of treatment. Unfortunately, with enough abuse from faulty footwear, poor biomechanics, and overuse some feet may require surgery. That doesn't mean that you may not find a decrease in symptoms or pain from conservative methods and all avenues to avoid surgical procedures should be explored in my opinion.

Instead of giving tons of in-depth and intricate details on things that you can do for better foot/toe mobility and motor control I am going to give some simple and easy ideas and concepts that can have a huge impact.

1) Avoid Shoes With a Tapered or Narrow Toe Box

The toes should be the widest part of the foot. This is often a rarity for people of developed nations and many think it is normal. However, if you look at a young child or toddler's foot it is likely that their foot still holds this true form. If you look at most footwear you will find that the toe boxes are often very constraining and the widest part of the shoe is usually not at the toes. They often come to a very distinct point about where the second toe is. One thing that I recommend when picking out a pair of shoes is to perform the "shoe liner" test. This is where you remove the liner or insole of the shoe and place your foot on top of it. If your toes splay over the edges then it is likely that the shoe is too narrow for your foot. This is very important for the developing feet of children and I think this video by Dr. Ray McClanahan does a great job of explaining this.

2) Avoid Shoes With a Toe Spring Design

If you view a shoe from a side profile you will notice that many conventional shoes will have a design where the sole will curve upward near the toes. This places the toes into an extended position relative to the metatarsals when at rest. I believe this was originally designed to help the shoe have a "rocker" effect to help people with poor ankle mobility.

3) Avoid Shoes With an Excessively Elevated Heel, "Ramp", or Heel-Toe Drop Design.

I attribute this shoe design and our cultures disdain for squatting (excessive sitting in chairs) to be major contributors to the poor ankle mobility that plagues many people and athletes alike. These three design flaws are discussed indepthly by Dr. Ray once again and he does a great job discussing them in this other video of his. You can do all the joint mobilizations, stretching, and flexibility work in the world but if you keep yourself or your patients in crappy shoes then you are fighting a losing battle.

4) Ensure Adequate Ankle Dorsiflexion

One thing that I have noticed in many patients with issues in the toes is that they are often accompanied by issues at the ankle, especially regarding decreased ankle dorsiflexion. Chicken or the egg here? I'm not sure but if a person lacks the ability to achieve full ankle dorsiflexion then their toes may be at risk for taking an extra beating. What about if you lack toe mobility as well? Good Luck. Here is a video I made for a quick and easy way to check and see if you have enough ankle dorsiflexion.

5) Increase foot intrinsic muscle strength/motor control

It isn't advisable to dive in headfirst and make drastic changes to your footwear in one fell swoop and expect all to be well. Even if you aren't going to change your footwear choices it is still probably advisable to work on intrinsic muscle strength/control. Here is another video I made previously showing some easy ways to improve foot/toe strength and mobility.

If you are still struggling with issues in your feet, ankles, or further up the kinetic chain and these simple tips aren't enough to resolve them then you may possibly need additional manual therapy from an athletic trainer, physical therapist, physiotherapist, podiatrist or chiropractor. There is also the possibility that a conventional approach may not be enough for some issues.

Some issues may require more time or help from products like Correct Toes. An foot-toe orthosis like them requires a post all to themselves but I personally have used it on myself, my patients and in research with some surprising success and outcomes. One thing that I will say is that I like how that product versus the cheaper generic types that you can find at say Walgreens or CVS will actually fit in your shoes, has multiple sizes, and can be modified for your foot shape.


Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I have used all of these products listed and recommend them because they are helpful and are products from companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products.


All content on this blog is meant as instructional and educational. The author and guest authors of this blog are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Always consult a physician or another proper medical professional for medical advice. Registered & Protected