Showing posts with label healthy cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy cooking. Show all posts

Apr 22, 2013

Crock-pot Power

As a graduate student and an athletic trainer I spent a lot of time on the go and away from home. My hectic scheduling often interferes with studying, sleeping, girlfriend, and cooking food for myself. Thankfully I have come to love using my tiny single-serving crock-pot.

I remember growing up my mother would often cook roasts, turkey sandwich meat or Little Smokey's with this magical invention but I didn't have any gratitude for it back then. I didn't realize how easily a healthy and well-balanced meal could be prepared while gone at work all day long. A crock-pot has a huge benefit for anybody attempting to eat a whole-foods, paleoish, primal...whatever you want to call it diet with a crazy work schedule.

Here are three reasons why I love using this device to prepare supper.


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