Showing posts with label improve balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label improve balance. Show all posts

Nov 17, 2014

Movie Monday: The Ultimate Mobility/Stability Combo Pack Review

how to increase mobility, edge mobility system review, how to improve mobility, brazilian jiu jitsu, improve balance, review edgeility tool, soft tissue release tools, how to treat your own soft tissue,

Howdy Readers! Today is Monday so that means it is time for another movie! This week I have a video product review for you. In this video I will be looking at the Ultimate Mobility/Stability Combo pack from The EDGE Mobility System. I am no stranger to the EDGE Mobility System but recently they started to sell their products as combo packs instead of just singular items. However, you can still buy each item individually as well!

how to increase mobility, edge mobility system review, how to improve mobility, brazilian jiu jitsu, improve balance, review edgeility tool, soft tissue release tools, how to treat your own soft tissue,

What Does The Ultimate Mobility & Stability Combo Pack Contain?

  • 1 EDGE Mobility Ball
  • 1 EDGEility Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) Tool for Self-Treatment
  • 2 pairs of EDGE Mobility Bands
  • 2 pairs of TowEDGE Toe Spacers 
  • 1 EDGE Mobility System Carrying Pouch
how to increase mobility, edge mobility system review, how to improve mobility, brazilian jiu jitsu, improve balance, review edgeility tool, soft tissue release tools, how to treat your own soft tissue,

What Did I Think of The Combo Pack?

I had a lot to say about these products and I had to edit this video a ton to get it even close to watchable in length so I apologize for it being around ten minutes in length! I will leave most of my comments for the video but I must say that I am a fan. I think that these "combo packs" would make a great Holiday gift for grapplers, brazilian jiu jitsu players, judokas, crossfit athletes, gym rats, runners, triathletes, I could really make this list go on and on. Additionally, this would be a great gift for athletic trainers, physio/physical therapists, chiropractors, and students of all these professions.

So What Do I Do With This Stuff?

If this is one of your first thoughts after getting interested in these products from my review video then don't have any fear. I have several videos and articles on how I've used the individual pieces of the EDGE Mobility System. There are many more to be found on the creator's website, The Manual Therapist. It may be worth checking the new but cheap E-Book, An Introduction to Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, by Ove Indergaard and I believe you can also find it on the Kindle Store.

how to increase mobility, edge mobility system review, how to improve mobility, brazilian jiu jitsu, improve balance, review edgeility tool, soft tissue release tools, how to treat your own soft tissue,

My Previous Articles Related to EDGE Mobility System Products:

Previous Videos Using EDGE Mobility System Products


Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I have used all of these products listed and recommend them because they are helpful and are products from companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products.


All content on this blog is meant as instructional and educational. The author and guest authors of this blog are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Always consult a physician or another proper medical professional for medical advice. Registered & Protected