Showing posts with label stooped posture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stooped posture. Show all posts

Oct 27, 2014

Movie Monday: The Vertical Compression Test

Howdy Readers! Today is Monday and hopefully the beginning of a new tradition here at Eat.Run.Rehabilitate.! I hope to continue to upload and post videos weekly and sometimes even biweekly if I get overly ambitious. I have been trying to take some time and pre-record some videos so that way when I do have time to do some editing and posting it will allow me to be more caught up on everything.

Anyways, today's video is going to be about the Vertical Compression Test. This is another test that I learned from Jay Dicharry's Anatomy for Runners book. I've said it before and I'll say it again...not a bad book to have around for reference! This is a great way to go about assessing a person's overal posture on their postural stability and its effect on the entire kinetic chain. Check out my video below!


Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I have used all of these products listed and recommend them because they are helpful and are products from companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products.


All content on this blog is meant as instructional and educational. The author and guest authors of this blog are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Always consult a physician or another proper medical professional for medical advice. Registered & Protected