Jul 2, 2013

3 Lessons I Learned In My First Year As A Clinician

I am quickly reaching my one year anniversary since finishing my undergraduate education and becoming a certified athletic trainer. A lot has happened since then including starting work on my master's degree, my master's thesis and working with many different athletes and teams via my graduate assistant position. I have learned a lot and it would be impossible to list everything but I figured it would be a good idea to reflect back on a few major themes.

Jul 1, 2013

Manual Therapy Monday: Interview Feature

Hey Readers, today's post is directed at the clinicians and people interested in manual therapy! What better way to have a post about manual therapy than to feature a new interview of TheManualTherapist.com by SportsRehabExpert.com!

It is kind of lengthy but is a great conversation between Joe Heiler and Erson Religioso. I recommend taking the time to watch or listen to it! I've learned a lot from both of these guys and their websites.

Here is the interview link!

Happy Monday and enjoy the upcoming holiday week/weekend!

Jun 27, 2013

Mobilizing Your Ankle, 2 Variations: Video Update

Hey Readers! Here is a quick video that I made a week or so ago on how to do a Mulligan Mobilization With Movement technique to increase ankle dorsiflexion. Ankle dorsiflexion seems to be a common theme on my blog but it is a common restriction but a very important motion to have! In this video I show you a way to do it this alone or with a partner/patient. This won't be a new concept for some but I hope those who have never heard of it find it useful! Enjoy!

Jun 26, 2013

12 Random Reasons To Try Trail Running

I love trail running. If I had trails close enough to me I would have force myself to not run 100% of my miles on trails. I don't think enough people know about the fun that is entailed with running trails and I don't think enough people have given it a try. I wouldn't be surprised if most people assume that its a run filled with blood, bugs, steep hills and sharp rocks. Well, sometimes it is(I consider that a plus). On the other hand, here are twelve random reasons to give it a try.

1) It is a dirty, adventurous, and thrillingly fun time.

2) Trail terrain is so dynamic it takes the monotony out of running. This means your body experiences a more varied array of forces and not the same repetitive stresses associated with road running.

3) Trails are easier on the mind than most roads. I sometimes get bored of my road routes and feel like time drags on. Trails are so jam packed with turns, obstacles, nature and picturesque views that you might not be able to keep up.

Jun 25, 2013

5 Quick and Interesting Finds!

4) Dr. Stephan Guyenet of www.wholehealthsource.org, tweeted a link with a mini synopsis of this interesting new study!

5) Professor Tim Noakes and his Colleague Peter Brukner take to the airwaves by being guests on the British Journal of Sports Medicine Podcast! See his tweet below for the link!

Jun 23, 2013

Sunday Funday: Runner's exercise of the day.

Here is a quick video highlighting a great exercise for runners. This is an exercise that I like using with athletes that are struggling with overcoming issues with glute inhibition and proper core stabilization. Keeping your pelvis level and equal is very challenging and can be great as a corrective exercise for something like the rotary stability test on the FMS. You don't a TRX do to this either...any suspension trainer, sturdy rope, a plyobox, or a chair can work as well! Enjoy!

Jun 20, 2013

Building Bridges: Inter & Intra-Profession Collaboration

Somehow, someway during my initial years of schooling I developed this idea that the profession of athletic training needed to compete heavily with other professions. I used to think that I needed to boycott the teachings of other professions like physical therapists, strength and conditioning specialists and person trainers.  I also had an urge to compete against others within my own profession and try to be most intelligent or most competent clinician/academic. Finishing school and starting my professional career has definitely changed my thought processes.

While some level of competitiveness is necessary in a world where multiple professions compete for patients or clients from the same pool of people due to similar skill sets. However, I have begun to realize that this previous thought process hurt three groups of people. Thinking and behaving the way I did disadvantaged myself (the clinician), potential patients, and the different professions.

Recently, I have worked to open myself up to the ideas of others and other professions. Just think, where would human intelligence even be now without the collective body of knowledge that is shared between individuals? We might be able to think the same but the accumulation of knowledge that is passed around and down through time is what makes it special.

Jun 18, 2013

Putting The "soft" Back Into Soft Tissue: Video Post

Hey all! New video for you all today that follows the same theme as my last blog post regarding foam rolling. I hope you all learn something and sorry for my amateur videography. I forgot to comment on it in the video but it is important to note that these gains in mobility are only temporary.

However, this treatment can and should (in this case, she as she is still restricted in terms of mobility) be combined with other treatments like joint mobs, Mulligan MWM's and repeated end-range plantar flexion. This will produce a synergistic effect and reapplication can help lock in the temporary gains.

Jun 16, 2013

Two Quick New Videos

Hey Everybody,

Here are two new videos that I made this weekend. I am going to start making videos with stuff related to blog content, rehab exercises, running form, random reviews and et cetera. You may notice near the top that I now have a direct link to my YouTube page as well. The first video is an easy test to check your ankle mobility, specifically ankle dorsiflexion.

The second video is for a common exercise for runners. This is intended to be a hip extension and glute activation exercise but ends up being something else entirely! It makes me cringe to watch people do it improperly!

Hope you all have a great father's day and hope you had a great weekend! Here comes Monday...

Jun 14, 2013

Are you foam rolling too hard?

These no longer need be modern torture devices for the physically active!

I just had an idea come to me as I was working to correct a few dysfunctions of my own. I don’t always have another person or practitioner to perform soft-tissue mobilization on myself and I’m sure you don’t either. When this is the case I turn to items like foam rollers, lacrosse balls, and variations of “The Stick”. In the past, I used to think that if I wasn’t wincing and sweating from the self-inflicted pain then I wasn’t going hard enough. I also used to spread this masochistic premise to my patients and athletes. I used to believe that I was deforming the fascia/collagen/soft tissues or causing ischemic compression to “trigger points” and often left myself and others with bruises!

More recently, I have been finding that less is best sometimes when it comes to soft tissue work. I now use a model based on stimulating the central nervous system. This stimulus to common patterns results in transient reductions in tone and improved mobility. There are several advantages to using the “less is best” approach.


Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I have used all of these products listed and recommend them because they are helpful and are products from companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products.


All content on this blog is meant as instructional and educational. The author and guest authors of this blog are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Always consult a physician or another proper medical professional for medical advice.
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