Showing posts with label jimmy moore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jimmy moore. Show all posts

Aug 28, 2013

Wednesday Quick Links!


This link is to a post by Jimmy Moore on where you can find his newly released book 'Cholesterol Clarity: What The HDL Is Wrong With My Numbers' and includes both international and US locations. I haven't read this book yet but I sure would like to eventually.


Today's second post is an article by Dr. Phil Maffetone and is entitled "Gait 101: Learning to Run More Naturally." This part 1 of a  two part guest post series by him over at the Natural Running Center and is a little lengthy but Dr. Maffetone always seems to have a unique but quality opinion on running related matters.

Speaking of guest posts, Ben Greenfield just did a guest post for Mark Sisson on MarksDailyApple. The title of this post was '10 Rules for Becoming an Ancestral Athlete' and definitely gave me some introspective thoughts while reading it.


Mike Reinold and Erson Religioso have recently put together a course on Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) and you can learn about IASTM from them for cheap at Additionally, Mike Reinold just put together a post on his recommendations for choosing an IASTM instrument to use in the clinic.

Jun 14, 2013

Four Finds For Your Friday Morning

 Here are a few quick links to articles, a video and a podcast that I recently found to be of interest.

This first article is by Peter Larson of Peter discusses the term "natural running", how it is used, and what it means to him.

The second link is to a video shared on Facebook by Dr. E of This video highlights a quick trick to help people with movement patterns. This trick is especially to help people with the exercise that I know as "Toe Yoga" which was coined by Jay Dicharry, PT I believe.

Third link is to a quick video produced by Kelly Starrett, DPT of This video gives a little secret to help avoid back pain from airplane seats. I know I find airplane seats to be uncomfortable so I can't wait to try this one out. (Who knows how long that will be...)

Last, but not least we have a link to a recent podcast by Jimmy Moore. Jimmy is the author of both the blog and podcast aptly named "Livin' La Vida Low Carb" and this podcast is a real touchy back and forth between Mr. Moore and Vegan Doctor, Dr. John McDougall. The gloves were off for this discussion.

Have a great Friday, a great weekend and a wish your dads a happy Father's Day!


Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I have used all of these products listed and recommend them because they are helpful and are products from companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products.


All content on this blog is meant as instructional and educational. The author and guest authors of this blog are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Always consult a physician or another proper medical professional for medical advice. Registered & Protected