This link is to a post by Jimmy Moore on where you can find his newly released book 'Cholesterol Clarity: What The HDL Is Wrong With My Numbers' and includes both international and US locations. I haven't read this book yet but I sure would like to eventually.
Today's second post is an article by Dr. Phil Maffetone and is entitled "Gait 101: Learning to Run More Naturally." This part 1 of a two part guest post series by him over at the Natural Running Center and is a little lengthy but Dr. Maffetone always seems to have a unique but quality opinion on running related matters.
Speaking of guest posts, Ben Greenfield just did a guest post for Mark Sisson on MarksDailyApple. The title of this post was '10 Rules for Becoming an Ancestral Athlete' and definitely gave me some introspective thoughts while reading it.
Mike Reinold and Erson Religioso have recently put together a course on Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) and you can learn about IASTM from them for cheap at Additionally, Mike Reinold just put together a post on his recommendations for choosing an IASTM instrument to use in the clinic.