Dec 16, 2013

My SFMA: A Case Study - Cervical Breakouts

Time to make an assessment of myself

Today's post is second part of my self-SFMA(Selective Functional Movement Assessment) case study series.  Specifically, We will look at the dysfunctional cervical spine movement patterns from my SFMA Top Tier Post.  In the first post/video, I was dysfunctional/non-painful (DN) for the Cervical Flexion Pattern, and the Cervical Rotation Pattern to both the Right & Left.  However, I was functional/non-painful (FN) for Cervical Extension. In case you missed it, here is the 7 top tier tests again.

The SFMA works by assessing 7 general top tier movement tests. From there you perform a "breakout" of each dysfunctional pattern to determine the cause of dysfunction. Dysfunction movement patterns are broken down using an algorithm that funnels and filters the problem into either a mobility dysfunction or a stability &/or motor control dysfunction (SMCD).

This video will look at the dysfunctional cervical spine patterns. Specifically, cervical flexion and cervical rotation to the left and right. I was functional for the cervical extension pattern so that pattern does not require a breakout assessment. Here is the breakout video:

Cervical Flexion Top Tier = DN (Unable to bring chin to sternum. Why? We don't know yet.)

Active Supine Cervical Flexion Test = DN (Still Unable to bring chin to sternum. Why? We don't know yet.)
If I was now FN we would know that there is a postural and motor control dysfunction or stability/motor control dysfunction...or both, affecting cervical flexion. This includes the c-spine, T-spine, and shoulder girdle postural dysfunction. Laying supine removed the postural and stability requirements of the gravity dependent/loaded standing position from the top-tier tests

Passive Supine Cervical Flexion Test = FN (Chin is now to sternum)
We can now assume the cause of the dysfunction was due to an active cervical spine flexion stability dysfunction or motor control dysfunction...or both. We know it is not a mobility issue because I had full motion when all stability and motor control requirements were removed and the movement was performed passively. If it was due to mobility reasons then my GF would not have been able to passively bring my chin to my chest. Mobility problems always present with consistent findings!

Cervical Rotation Top Tier = DN to the Left & Right (Can not rotate chin to mid-clavicle or at least 80 degrees, Why? We don't know yet)
This test no longer requires this degree of rotation and the ability to bring the chin to the clavicle, at least this is how I was instructed in October of 2013.

Active Supine Cervical Rotation Test = FN (At least 80 degrees of rotation bilaterally without a significant asymmetry)
We now know that the dysfunction was related to a postural and motor control dysfunction or a stability and motor control dysfunction...or both. This is why my top tier cervical spine rotation test was dysfunctional, not because of my perceived tissue "tightness."

It is said that there are many ways to skin a cat...that being said the SFMA is a tool or a system of assessment. It is not a specific approach to treatment. However, there are general guidelines based off of the findings and it also lays a road map of treatment for you(eg. mobility before stability, working your way down the top tier tests). Specifically, in my case I do not have any mobility dysfunctions within the cervical spine but if I follow the philosophy of the SFMA then I need to address the SMCD of the cervical flexion pattern before attempting to correct SMCD dysfunction of the cervical rotation.

There are many avenues for treating this dysfunction from dry needling to IASTM to MDT principles to using the 4x4 Matrix or etc. I can't advocate that one approach will be better for addressing my dysfunction than another...but I do have a system of assessment to judge the efficacy of each potential intervention. Perhaps IASTM and MDT combined will work great for 90% of my patients but I don't know that...all I need to know is how to assess-intervene-reassess. Oh and I should probably stay within my practice act, so use what tools you have and those that you are comfortable with.

Thoughts? Do you think my breakouts and assessment have been accurate so far? What would you do with me? I know what I would do....finish the SFMA breakouts, first. Come back as I continue to break out my many dysfunctional movement patterns.


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